سلام دوستان
انشالله اگه وقت شد ترجمه شو هم میزارم
Drag a video clip with audio onto an audio track such as 1A, this will strip the video and you can use the audio.
While moving a clip on the timeline, press shift, this will disable snap until you let go of the shift key.
Press Ctrl+T at timeline cursor position and a still image will appear in your bin, you can use that still as a freeze frame. Ctrl+T remembers the format of the last manual still image export. If the last manual image export was tga with lower field first, Ctrl+T will create the same format.
Place cursor in between 2 timeline clips and press Alt+1, this will create a 1 sec transition, press Alt+2 for a 2 sec transition, press Alt+3 for a 3 sec transition and so on.......
Change clips in bin from 16:9 to 4:3 aspect or vice versa by right clicking, properties, there you can change the field order and the thumbnail of the clip
Change clips audio from stereo to left mono or right mono by right clicking, properties
Place any effect at the beginning or end of any clip by expanding the clip on timeline to reveal keyer section, drag any effect to the left of the keyer area for a fade in or fly in etc., drag any effect to the right of the keyer for fade out or fly away etc....
Crop and Stretch any clip by right clicking, Layout.....